When you’re remodeling, you want it to be fast, efficient and for the best price possible. Luckily, our Quick Ship Cabinets hit all the marks! With 65% of our customers finding the cabinets they’re looking for here, picking one of these options puts you in great company. While we can certainly hit the mark of delivery in as little as 9 days it's better to plan out just a bit more.. We suggest 3-4 weeks as a typical delivery on the above styles & 4-5 on the below styles & colors. Just schedule your virtual or in person design consultation here & our designers can help you to choose the best color & style for your home.
Ryan Harrington
Kitchen Designer
Book With Ryan
Jenny Slover White
Book With Jenny
Jenny Slover White
Book with Jenny
We are open 6 days a week and Sundays By Appointment Only. For the best service for a free kitchen design and quote you can schedule an appointment with one of our designers here "Schedule a Free Design & Quote". Our designers have design appointments each day so its best to have an appointment to make sure someone is available to help you. If you want to just stop in Mon - Fri 10-4 and Sat 10-1pm are our open hours.
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